Friday, November 30, 2012

Random Week...Positive Thinking

Hey there! First off I want to say thank you to a few people who have responded to my blog: my dad, my sister, my boyfriend, and my friend Thom! Yay! I'm sure others read it, and if they don't that's ok. I'm doing this for myself, and if people enjoy it, then they can read it. I always appreciate feedback! Thom will tell you that. I was very happy to hear what he had to say.

A couple of things happened recently that were random. A friend that I've had since high school decided to be a real jerk to me. Our conversation started off ok. It was about him and his fetishes. I don't really like discussing anyone's sex life. If anyone knows me I'm pretty private. I feel that with that subject it's too personal. That is something between you and your partner(s). I'm not involved and I would like to keep it that way. However, I let him talk. We discussed that horrible piece of trash "50 Shades of Grey" by E. L. James and he told me the only reason I did not like it was because it was a "Twilight" fan-fiction. Boy! Was he wrong! I don't like it, not because of the content, but because it is written horribly. My almost 5 year old nephew tells me more interesting stories with better vocabulary.

Next, we get on the subject of some girl we both know. Let me set this up. She is not a very good friend. She is selfish and has a big problem with attitude. I was going through a rough time in my life after my friend from high school committed suicide. It is still extremely hard for me to talk about him and that situation even now. It has been about a year and a half since it happened. This girl considered me a really good friend of hers (from what she told me) and the only that she said when I mentioned what happened was that she was sorry to hear that. Afterwards, she proceeded to ask me if I would attend her wedding on a game that we both played online. Take a moment to let that soak in. Seriously, I just lost a very good friend of mine and you're concerned with whether or not I could make it to a fake online bullshit ceremony that was part of a GAME. Of course I had a problem with what she did! Not to mention she treated this same guy like crap. He was unworthy of her time and all she did was talk behind his back to me. Then she would go hang out with him! Wow! If you admittedly don't like him and you hang out with him, there's something more going on. I don't know if he paid for her or what, but that is shady.

I'm telling him how I got rid of her as a friend and he asks me if I'm "done bitching?" Just like that. Now, there is many ways to tell someone you don't like what you're saying, and he chooses that approach. Now I'm angry. I start letting him know. He claims I'm making a big deal of her like I have some personal vendetta against her and am blowing it out of proportion. No, we're off the subject of her now and onto a new subject: "you're a dick" basically. It gets better. He decides to let me in on his point of view. I'm not a friend. No one is. We're just all "outlets" to him. We go to him with our problems. Mind you, I have not had a problem that I told him for a while and if I did, he always asked what was wrong and listened like he cared. The fact that he thinks I'm just using him to complain came as a shock to me honestly. I think I've heard him whine and cry more than I have.

So we're in this huge fight and I say to him "Well, thanks for making me cry. I have to go use Joe as an outlet now." He tells me that he does not and will not feel sorry for making me cry but he hopes that I will forgive him. Take another second, or minute if you have to, to process that. Yup. As Jen called him, "50 Shades of douche." After a couple of days, I decide to give him a week to apologize and I made that subtle hint on good old Facebook. He texted me to ask if that was about him. I decided not to say anything because if he can't figure that out for himself and man up and apologize for the way he treated me, then he can just be deleted out of my life. I don't need anymore Negative Nancy in my life. I'm too negative to allow more. I'm sure you've guess that by now.

On to the random stalker issue! I picked up my friend Jen and her brother from work tonight and had to make a stop at the bank. I'm at the drive-thru and I get this call. It's from a girl, Laura, that I made friends with back at college. After college, we haven't really texted, called, or hung out. We mostly communicate through Facebook now. So I said to myself "Laura?! I have to take this call!" Her voice answered mine and I could tell all was not well. She said she needed someone to talk to. I handed the phone to Jen, took care of my transaction, and put her through my nifty Bluetooth. Apparently, some guy was saying some really random, creepy, stalker-ish stuff to her on Facebook. It was really weird, as I come to find out later. She's shaking and no one she called picked up. I immediately tell her to text me her address (I only dropped her off at her house once and she gave the driver directions). Come to find out, she and this guy had one friend in common (which was how they met). I tell her to call anyone who would know where he was while I got a hold of someone to come with me. I dropped Jen off and luckily, my friend Justin was home a few street down, doing nothing, like usually (hehe). I told him he was coming with me and we were off.

When we got to her house she broke down and showed me the messages. I must say, she had the most entertaining stalker ever. He was not a competitive guy, yet he wanted her to let him know if he had any competition. He doesn't like competition, although he was confident that she would pick him over anyone else. What the...Ok. Next, he was crazy enough to go to war for her and his life was now in her hands. He was a "badass" and he always felt like he was Sonny's (from the Godfather) illegitimate son. Oh yes, this all came from him. No lie. After a bit of laughing and picking out his horrible spelling and grammatical errors (that's what happens when you get two grammar police together) we decided to call the mutual friend who was on the phone with the crazy guy at the time.

To make matter worse, this friend told the dude that Laura though he was a stalker and wanted to leave her alone. That is not something you tell a crazy man. Of course he's going to say he didn't mean it like that, he understands, and he'll leave her be. He did. Well, I get on the phone and I lay into him. He is siding with the guy. Honest to goodness! Laura's not happy with that either. The crisis is averted for the time being (averted...I think that's the right word, but it sounds weird saying it out loud). I hope it doesn't get worse when the kid's cellphone is on again. It should be activated next week, but Laura and I think it will be much sooner now.

All in all, it was nice catching up with Laura and getting to see her face in person and not on a computer screen. I wish it was for different reasons, but I'm glad I could be there for her in a time of need.

As I said before, I'm a pretty negative person, but I'm going to try to be more positive. Things are starting to look up for me and I'm really excited about going back to school. This blog came into use again because I want to see if throughout the course of school (since I'm going for Writing Arts) I can hone my writing abilities. I want to see the changes, if there are any. I hope you will follow me to see it, too. I also hope I will be able to write about things more people want to see.

Definitely send suggestions, comments, questions, feedback or stop by and say hi! You might be mentioned in my next post! -K.

P.S. Check out the amazing Laura's website: She is very talented and has a book coming out soon (hopefully!) and I can't wait! She also blogs on it, asks trivia, and lets you in on some things you might not know. So stop by her site. I'll let everyone who's interested know when her book comes out so you can pick it up, too!

I asked him what he thought of stalkers since he would know.

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