Monday, November 26, 2012

Holiday Weekend

Hello! I didn't feel like writing this for a couple days and especially today, but I figured I'm going to do it because the longer I wait, the more I won't want to write. I'm trying to keep this updated and bloggerish, so yeah! First off, before I write about my holiday and the few days after, I just want to tell you that I hope you enjoyed yours. Feel free to tell me how your's went in the comments! I'll read them. :) Second, let me set Thanksgiving up for you. In the morning (or afternoon depending) Joe and I travel to my parents' house where we eat breakfast, brunch, or lunch with them. We split for dinner (I go back to my parents's house while he stays at home with his family). Then I travel back home to eat dessert with Joe's family (and friends are welcomed over as well).

Thursday started off like normal. I didn't want to wake up, but the promise of bacon really helped motivate me. I tried to get Joe up but that didn't work at first. As I was about to leave, I couldn't find my keys. At home we have this basket right by the door that I always put my keys in. However, Wednesday night the basket had been moved for crock pot using purposes, so I kept my keys in my jacket pocket. Joe's mom, Dee, helped me look around for a bit and gave me suggestions as to where to look while appreciating the fact that I use the basket. She also stated that we had to clean the computer room. Not a problem. I wake Joe up yelling that I can't find my keys, look around the bedroom some more, and then continue my quest about the house. I walk back into the room and Joe's laying in bed holding the keys up on his finger. They were on the table next to the bed the whole time. I completely forgot that I put them there so I wouldn't forget them in the morning. Seeing that Joe is now wide awake, I ask him to come with me to breakfast. I am not a half an hour later and receiving texts from my mom that the food is ready. Joe drags his butt while I clean the computer room. By the time he was dressed and the room was picked up, we were an hour late and my family was already eating.

After breakfast, Erich wanted to play with his awesome nerf guns, so I, being the child at heart that I am, happily obliged. We were shooting the bullets at the curtains of the living room. After a while, I got bored and started bouncing them off the wall to hit my sister on the couch. This way I didn't directly hit her (because we're teaching my nephew that it isn't nice to do so), but the effect was the same. Of course she takes Erich's weapon for herself and we wage war around the house. Erich decides to defend his mother from his aunt and gets on his viking gear: a helmet, a shield, and an axe. I lock myself in the bathroom with his Captain America shield and nerf gun. Beth, my sister, goes to look for the key in my parents' room and Erich holds their door shut. I force the door open, shoot, let Erich's weight close it again. Repeat. My bullets then empty. I run down the stairs with my nephew pounding his axe against my back. I reload the chamber with extra bullets, hide, and pop out and shoot her when she comes down looking for me. When it was over, Joe and I cleaned up what we could and headed home for a nap.

When I went back for dinner, apparently there were bullets still being found throughout the house. My morning was awesome. My dinner was awesome as well. Best meal my mom has cooked. Every year the food gets better and better. I chilled there for a little bit and headed home for dessert. When I got there everyone was sleeping, so I decided to take a nap as well. When we all woke up, Dee's friend Sara came over and we had some of the most amazing cakes and pies I have ever tasted. I tried to go to bed afterwards, but I couldn't. I stayed up until I had to head to work.


I arrived at the mall earlier than the opening manager. The mall was packed and ready to explode with madness. Luckily for my car (William), the traffic wasn't bad and I found a decent parking spot. As we were letting some workers in, crowds were trying to get in our store. Really? It's 11:40pm. The mall "opens" at 12am. Get out of here! One customer was nice enough to "guard" the door and look out for our late employee since our gate wasn't locking right. He was pretty cool. Dana and I got ready to ring and at 12:01am the gate went up. Three hours later Dana and I turned around during a small break and high-fived each other. I also got to see Dee and Sara out shopping, and my friend Jenna stopped by to say "hi." I made her visit me because I knew she was going Black Friday shopping and wanted to make sure she got there alright. I did have a semi-rude customer, but everyone else was quite pleasant. This man's girlfriend wanted jewelry and she had to wait for a manager to unlock the case. We have a piercing card and it gets stamped when you buy certain pieces of jewelry. I stamped her card and her boyfriend decided to be testy:

Man: "Stamp the card again."
Me: "I can't do that."
Man: "Yes you can. Stamp the card again."
Me: "I can't do that."
Man: "We were waiting for a while. Do us a favor and stamp the card again."
Me: "I. Can. Not. Do. That."
Man: "Sure you can. C'mon. Stamp it."
Me: "I literally can not do that."
Woman: (to me) "It's ok! (to boyfriend) I can't take you anywhere! Stop arguing with her! She can't do it. It's ok."

Finally, 4am rolls around and I instantly clock out and am on my way. I get home to discover Joe is up and I bound in to the room and give him a big hug. I told him work was long for a four hour shift and tell him I love him. An hour later I am headed to bed. It took me a while to fall asleep, but I did. I got up to take Joe to work, eat lunch, get a packed dinner from my mom (because she loves me!), and head back home for a nap. Then I went back to work the same day at 5pm. I was still groggy and it had hit me that I was tired. At 11pm, Joe and I met up and left the mall. He made me some food, we took showers, and pretty much played video games until we hit the hay.


Nothing important. Just thought I'd throw that in there so I didn't have to do a mini time skip.


I went to my parents' house to have lunch with them like I always do. They were talking about a movie called "Born Yesterday" with Judy Holliday. After they explained it (it seemed hilarious!), I went only and ordered a pick up from the local Barnes & Noble. I picked up my best friend Jen and went over to the store. She helped me pick out a book for my dad while we were there. I had to resist the urge to buy a Phantom of the Opera book, and a few others while I was there. I did get some good gift ideas, though.

Did you know they have a 50 Shades of Grey cd? Yeah. Mind. Blown. E. L. James apparently listened to music while writing fiction. I would have actually bought it because it had good music (Bach, Mozart, etc), but I can't financially support horrible literature and their authors. I know I'd get some negative comments for this if people actually read my blog, but I think I'm pretty safe. Before any of you 50 Shades fans start spewing arguments, just note that I do not hate the content, but the way it was written. Also, I don't think you ought to pay for adult Twilight fan fiction, or any fan fiction for that matter. I won't get into Twilight here, because I already posted 50 Shades hate. One mention of trash is enough for one post.

After the wonderful trip to one of my favorite and most frequented stores, we went to my place for Thanksgiving round #2. Here I got to help myself to Dee's cooking, which is vastly different from my mother's, but just as good. Jen brought over Honey Apple pie and if I could have eaten it all I would have, but unfortunately, I had to share. Joe came home after work and we all sat down for The Walking Dead (go team Asia!). Joe's best friend came over afterwards with the promise of a slice of Jen's delicious home made pie. We sat down after to have some fun on the Wii U. I took Jen home (and now I'm getting quick with everything because I am tired). Michael and Joe played Pokemon while I played some World of Warcraft. Michael went home and I went to bed.


I woke up and called the doctor because I've been having some problems. They told me everything was normal and just to continue what I was taking. This scared me, because if what I was experiencing was normal, I'd hate to see abnormal. Since I'm also an emotional wreck, I cried for a few minutes, but then got up anyway. I, like almost every day, went over to my parents' house. I ate lunch, watched the end of Legally Blonde, then all of Mean Girls while trying to figure out what's going on with my FAFSA and get some things for school in order. My sister and nephew came over and I got to spend some time with them.

When I got home Joe was actually up. We went out to dinner. It was very nice. We discussed some upcoming events. He's not going to see Les Miserables with me, but he will go to the rest of the installments of The Hunger Games since he already saw the first one. This upsets me, but it's alright. I do have a few people to go with to see Les Mis. I can't wait for it. Really, I can't! Joe and I watched "Clerks" while playing World of Warcraft together and now he's put on "The Terminator" after telling me he was going to put on "A Night at the Roxbury." I got extremely confused when I looked up to see a naked Arnold Schwarzenegger on the screen.

Sorry my post was long and boring! I hope you got to enjoy some of it. Let me know what you think, what you want to see, or questions and I will see to it! Facebook, e-mail, comment, text, call, or send me a letter in the mail. Whatever you seem comfortable with. I will respond, because I love you all (especially those who take the time to read this).


"You'd rather watch Will Ferrell and Chris Kattan's shitty movie?!"

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