Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Wow! Hello old friend!

Hello there! It's been a while. Much has gone on since I last posted on my blog. So much for trying to blog at least once a week (or was it once a month?)! Let me catch you up briefly on what happened:

1. Lost my job.
2. Moved.
3. Did lights and sound for a play.
4. Found a new job.
5. Quit.
6. Got a very minor part in a play.
7. Went back to my very first place of employment I ever had.
8. Applied to college with a new major.
9. Got accepted to said college for Writing Arts (goodbye theatre)!
10. Discovered this blog again.

That's it in a nutshell. I am planning to write a few short stories in the near future before working on a novel. If the short stories are well received by friends and family I will edit them to make them into a book, possibly. Depends on time management and interest on my part.

My goals for this blog (and some of you need to help me if you like what I write!):

1. Write once a week, if not everyday.
2. Cater to what my friends might like to see (reviews, stories, poetry, you decide!)
3. Help spread the word of my other writing buddies through here (like Laura, Kat, and Sam).

Please subscribe or check back once a week to see how it's going! Please send me some ideas as well! I'd like to know what you'd want from me. Please spread this out if you think someone might like it, too! I'm going to keep a lot of my personal information off of this for now, so it's ok to have someone I don't know view this.

Much appreciated!

P.S. I try to end with some pictures of something funny or inspiring. So here's your treat:

Books transport me to a place where I can escape from being me for a little while at a time. :)

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