Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Reflection For the Holiday

I see a lot of posts on Facebook saying what people are thankful for this holiday. It's the same old thing. Family, friends, health, etc. I just wanted to take the time to write out what I was thankful for as well, but not bother so many people with it. They'd scroll past it anyway. I figured I'd put it on my blog for a couple of reasons: 1. To give the people the choice to read this and 2. To promote my blog! Get some people to stop by and take a look. Hopefully, they'll follow me. Follow me. Follow. Me. DO IT. So without further ado, I bring you my list of what I'm thankful for.

My Family - Really? Was there any other thing or person I'd post first? For my whole life my dad, my mom, and my sister have been there for me. My sister remembers one of the first few weeks I was home we had company over. I was in my crib sleeping like a baby does and people were going upstairs to peek in on me. She was guarding my door telling them they couldn't bother me because I was sleeping. It makes me think that sometimes she did have a heart. I'm only kidding. Despite the fact that we always have our differences and have gotten into physical altercations (yes, girls do that, too, gentlemen), I know that if I ever needed her she would be there for me. I am very proud and fond of her son, my nephew. I can not wait until he's even older so I can corrupt him further and cause havoc for her through him. My parents have always and will always have my back. They have always given me what I needed and have instilled values in me that I don't get to see very often in my generation. The future generations are even worse. I am thankful for them and I cannot imagine being the person I am today if they were not there as much as they were. I only wish to help them as much as I can.

My friends - Some of you would think Joe would come next. To a normal female, a boyfriend would. I am not normal, although I think I should be once I explain. Although most of my friends now I have met through Joe, a few of them I've had since high school or before. I love them very much. At first I was afraid to go over to a public high school (I previously was in a Catholic elementary/middle school). Once I became a freshman, I met a core group of people that I do not or ever will regret spending as many hours with them as I did. I would definitely not be the person that I am today without them and my interests would not have developed like they did. I had bad times with them and later would even remove some of them from my life, but the crazy good times are what I will always take with me and remember. I know that one of them, Jen, will be there for me (and I her) forever (hopefully). She will be the maid of honor at my wedding alongside my sister, and she will be the godmother to my second child. I have stood up for her on many occasions and I consider her my very best friend. I would do anything for her. Her mom, too. She's wonderful! All my other friends are amazing people and I love them to death! I could type forever about them, but I'm afraid I'd bore everyone since not everyone will get what I'm talking about.

Joe - Where to start? I have spent over three years with this guy so far and I loved every minute so far. He's talented, funny, sweet, cute, amazing, and the list can go on forever. Sure, we had our fights. What couple doesn't? Ours have been over silly things such as "You threw out my magic cards!" "I thought they were trash because they were in a bag with empty bottles!" Or "You don't watch the movies I want to!" "Because they're all musicals!"Or "You drank my soda?!" "I was thirsty and it was there." Little things. He has made me laugh, made me cry (I won't let him live the Hunger Games situation down), protected me, fought for me, and even stayed by my side when I was in the hospital. It's hard to imagine my life before I met him. I can, but it's not worth it. I like the idea that he was always there...although now that sounds creepy...and a little bit odd. I love him. I thought I loved other people, but I was wrong. I love everything about him and I love spending as much time with him as I can. I had some trouble with friends over him, but you know what? I didn't need people causing drama with me over a guy. I'm so happy and I know there are many more happy years to come with him.

Joe's Family - I've always heard the horror stories of in-laws. I was relieved that it wasn't that way with Joe's family. Mel and Dee have been very kind to me and we get along. Like all people, we've had our ups and downs, but I know that they are also there for me and always will be. I couldn't ask for more. I enjoy playing video games with Dee, ghost hunting with her and her friends (and our friends as well!), and Mel makes me laugh. All the dogs in the house are amusing, too. I think I would have died if I got the nastiest set of future in-laws. I am so happy and thankful that I don't dread being related to them in the future!

Now that the preliminaries are over here's some secondary things that I am thankful for:

Books, video games, soldiers, freedom, my rights, having a job, going back to school, theatre, music, art, animals, my bed, my favorite blanket, my favorite pillow, Doctor Who, being smart, World of Warcraft, Phantom of the Opera, Wizard of Oz, Sarah Brightman, my favorite (and lucky) shirt, my glasses, alcohol (woo!), food, Mountain Dew Code Red, drive-thrus, cutting dramatic/dumb people out of my life, Dungeons and Dragons, YouTube, Google, Facebook, flip-flops, Atlantic City, girls' nights, being a nerd, the little things in life, tigers (rawr!), my cell phone, writing, pretty much everything. There is always something to be added to what I'm thankful for.

I was going to put in funny descriptions as to why I'm thankful for these things, but it's late. I'm tired. And I have not one, but two shifts on Black Friday. I deal with all kinds of trash. Almost as much as Walmart. I am so looking forward to this (sarcasm!). Luckily, I'll only be working the register from 12am-4am. I don't know what's in store for the 5pm-11pm shift, but I wouldn't mind ringing again. You meet with the attitudes on the sales floor.

Goodnight and please remember to be nice to your retail associates on Black Friday. They don't want to deal with you either. -K.

This multiplied by hundreds is what I have to deal with on Friday, give or take a wig. No lie.

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