Friday, November 30, 2012

Random Week...Positive Thinking

Hey there! First off I want to say thank you to a few people who have responded to my blog: my dad, my sister, my boyfriend, and my friend Thom! Yay! I'm sure others read it, and if they don't that's ok. I'm doing this for myself, and if people enjoy it, then they can read it. I always appreciate feedback! Thom will tell you that. I was very happy to hear what he had to say.

A couple of things happened recently that were random. A friend that I've had since high school decided to be a real jerk to me. Our conversation started off ok. It was about him and his fetishes. I don't really like discussing anyone's sex life. If anyone knows me I'm pretty private. I feel that with that subject it's too personal. That is something between you and your partner(s). I'm not involved and I would like to keep it that way. However, I let him talk. We discussed that horrible piece of trash "50 Shades of Grey" by E. L. James and he told me the only reason I did not like it was because it was a "Twilight" fan-fiction. Boy! Was he wrong! I don't like it, not because of the content, but because it is written horribly. My almost 5 year old nephew tells me more interesting stories with better vocabulary.

Next, we get on the subject of some girl we both know. Let me set this up. She is not a very good friend. She is selfish and has a big problem with attitude. I was going through a rough time in my life after my friend from high school committed suicide. It is still extremely hard for me to talk about him and that situation even now. It has been about a year and a half since it happened. This girl considered me a really good friend of hers (from what she told me) and the only that she said when I mentioned what happened was that she was sorry to hear that. Afterwards, she proceeded to ask me if I would attend her wedding on a game that we both played online. Take a moment to let that soak in. Seriously, I just lost a very good friend of mine and you're concerned with whether or not I could make it to a fake online bullshit ceremony that was part of a GAME. Of course I had a problem with what she did! Not to mention she treated this same guy like crap. He was unworthy of her time and all she did was talk behind his back to me. Then she would go hang out with him! Wow! If you admittedly don't like him and you hang out with him, there's something more going on. I don't know if he paid for her or what, but that is shady.

I'm telling him how I got rid of her as a friend and he asks me if I'm "done bitching?" Just like that. Now, there is many ways to tell someone you don't like what you're saying, and he chooses that approach. Now I'm angry. I start letting him know. He claims I'm making a big deal of her like I have some personal vendetta against her and am blowing it out of proportion. No, we're off the subject of her now and onto a new subject: "you're a dick" basically. It gets better. He decides to let me in on his point of view. I'm not a friend. No one is. We're just all "outlets" to him. We go to him with our problems. Mind you, I have not had a problem that I told him for a while and if I did, he always asked what was wrong and listened like he cared. The fact that he thinks I'm just using him to complain came as a shock to me honestly. I think I've heard him whine and cry more than I have.

So we're in this huge fight and I say to him "Well, thanks for making me cry. I have to go use Joe as an outlet now." He tells me that he does not and will not feel sorry for making me cry but he hopes that I will forgive him. Take another second, or minute if you have to, to process that. Yup. As Jen called him, "50 Shades of douche." After a couple of days, I decide to give him a week to apologize and I made that subtle hint on good old Facebook. He texted me to ask if that was about him. I decided not to say anything because if he can't figure that out for himself and man up and apologize for the way he treated me, then he can just be deleted out of my life. I don't need anymore Negative Nancy in my life. I'm too negative to allow more. I'm sure you've guess that by now.

On to the random stalker issue! I picked up my friend Jen and her brother from work tonight and had to make a stop at the bank. I'm at the drive-thru and I get this call. It's from a girl, Laura, that I made friends with back at college. After college, we haven't really texted, called, or hung out. We mostly communicate through Facebook now. So I said to myself "Laura?! I have to take this call!" Her voice answered mine and I could tell all was not well. She said she needed someone to talk to. I handed the phone to Jen, took care of my transaction, and put her through my nifty Bluetooth. Apparently, some guy was saying some really random, creepy, stalker-ish stuff to her on Facebook. It was really weird, as I come to find out later. She's shaking and no one she called picked up. I immediately tell her to text me her address (I only dropped her off at her house once and she gave the driver directions). Come to find out, she and this guy had one friend in common (which was how they met). I tell her to call anyone who would know where he was while I got a hold of someone to come with me. I dropped Jen off and luckily, my friend Justin was home a few street down, doing nothing, like usually (hehe). I told him he was coming with me and we were off.

When we got to her house she broke down and showed me the messages. I must say, she had the most entertaining stalker ever. He was not a competitive guy, yet he wanted her to let him know if he had any competition. He doesn't like competition, although he was confident that she would pick him over anyone else. What the...Ok. Next, he was crazy enough to go to war for her and his life was now in her hands. He was a "badass" and he always felt like he was Sonny's (from the Godfather) illegitimate son. Oh yes, this all came from him. No lie. After a bit of laughing and picking out his horrible spelling and grammatical errors (that's what happens when you get two grammar police together) we decided to call the mutual friend who was on the phone with the crazy guy at the time.

To make matter worse, this friend told the dude that Laura though he was a stalker and wanted to leave her alone. That is not something you tell a crazy man. Of course he's going to say he didn't mean it like that, he understands, and he'll leave her be. He did. Well, I get on the phone and I lay into him. He is siding with the guy. Honest to goodness! Laura's not happy with that either. The crisis is averted for the time being (averted...I think that's the right word, but it sounds weird saying it out loud). I hope it doesn't get worse when the kid's cellphone is on again. It should be activated next week, but Laura and I think it will be much sooner now.

All in all, it was nice catching up with Laura and getting to see her face in person and not on a computer screen. I wish it was for different reasons, but I'm glad I could be there for her in a time of need.

As I said before, I'm a pretty negative person, but I'm going to try to be more positive. Things are starting to look up for me and I'm really excited about going back to school. This blog came into use again because I want to see if throughout the course of school (since I'm going for Writing Arts) I can hone my writing abilities. I want to see the changes, if there are any. I hope you will follow me to see it, too. I also hope I will be able to write about things more people want to see.

Definitely send suggestions, comments, questions, feedback or stop by and say hi! You might be mentioned in my next post! -K.

P.S. Check out the amazing Laura's website: She is very talented and has a book coming out soon (hopefully!) and I can't wait! She also blogs on it, asks trivia, and lets you in on some things you might not know. So stop by her site. I'll let everyone who's interested know when her book comes out so you can pick it up, too!

I asked him what he thought of stalkers since he would know.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Holiday Weekend

Hello! I didn't feel like writing this for a couple days and especially today, but I figured I'm going to do it because the longer I wait, the more I won't want to write. I'm trying to keep this updated and bloggerish, so yeah! First off, before I write about my holiday and the few days after, I just want to tell you that I hope you enjoyed yours. Feel free to tell me how your's went in the comments! I'll read them. :) Second, let me set Thanksgiving up for you. In the morning (or afternoon depending) Joe and I travel to my parents' house where we eat breakfast, brunch, or lunch with them. We split for dinner (I go back to my parents's house while he stays at home with his family). Then I travel back home to eat dessert with Joe's family (and friends are welcomed over as well).

Thursday started off like normal. I didn't want to wake up, but the promise of bacon really helped motivate me. I tried to get Joe up but that didn't work at first. As I was about to leave, I couldn't find my keys. At home we have this basket right by the door that I always put my keys in. However, Wednesday night the basket had been moved for crock pot using purposes, so I kept my keys in my jacket pocket. Joe's mom, Dee, helped me look around for a bit and gave me suggestions as to where to look while appreciating the fact that I use the basket. She also stated that we had to clean the computer room. Not a problem. I wake Joe up yelling that I can't find my keys, look around the bedroom some more, and then continue my quest about the house. I walk back into the room and Joe's laying in bed holding the keys up on his finger. They were on the table next to the bed the whole time. I completely forgot that I put them there so I wouldn't forget them in the morning. Seeing that Joe is now wide awake, I ask him to come with me to breakfast. I am not a half an hour later and receiving texts from my mom that the food is ready. Joe drags his butt while I clean the computer room. By the time he was dressed and the room was picked up, we were an hour late and my family was already eating.

After breakfast, Erich wanted to play with his awesome nerf guns, so I, being the child at heart that I am, happily obliged. We were shooting the bullets at the curtains of the living room. After a while, I got bored and started bouncing them off the wall to hit my sister on the couch. This way I didn't directly hit her (because we're teaching my nephew that it isn't nice to do so), but the effect was the same. Of course she takes Erich's weapon for herself and we wage war around the house. Erich decides to defend his mother from his aunt and gets on his viking gear: a helmet, a shield, and an axe. I lock myself in the bathroom with his Captain America shield and nerf gun. Beth, my sister, goes to look for the key in my parents' room and Erich holds their door shut. I force the door open, shoot, let Erich's weight close it again. Repeat. My bullets then empty. I run down the stairs with my nephew pounding his axe against my back. I reload the chamber with extra bullets, hide, and pop out and shoot her when she comes down looking for me. When it was over, Joe and I cleaned up what we could and headed home for a nap.

When I went back for dinner, apparently there were bullets still being found throughout the house. My morning was awesome. My dinner was awesome as well. Best meal my mom has cooked. Every year the food gets better and better. I chilled there for a little bit and headed home for dessert. When I got there everyone was sleeping, so I decided to take a nap as well. When we all woke up, Dee's friend Sara came over and we had some of the most amazing cakes and pies I have ever tasted. I tried to go to bed afterwards, but I couldn't. I stayed up until I had to head to work.


I arrived at the mall earlier than the opening manager. The mall was packed and ready to explode with madness. Luckily for my car (William), the traffic wasn't bad and I found a decent parking spot. As we were letting some workers in, crowds were trying to get in our store. Really? It's 11:40pm. The mall "opens" at 12am. Get out of here! One customer was nice enough to "guard" the door and look out for our late employee since our gate wasn't locking right. He was pretty cool. Dana and I got ready to ring and at 12:01am the gate went up. Three hours later Dana and I turned around during a small break and high-fived each other. I also got to see Dee and Sara out shopping, and my friend Jenna stopped by to say "hi." I made her visit me because I knew she was going Black Friday shopping and wanted to make sure she got there alright. I did have a semi-rude customer, but everyone else was quite pleasant. This man's girlfriend wanted jewelry and she had to wait for a manager to unlock the case. We have a piercing card and it gets stamped when you buy certain pieces of jewelry. I stamped her card and her boyfriend decided to be testy:

Man: "Stamp the card again."
Me: "I can't do that."
Man: "Yes you can. Stamp the card again."
Me: "I can't do that."
Man: "We were waiting for a while. Do us a favor and stamp the card again."
Me: "I. Can. Not. Do. That."
Man: "Sure you can. C'mon. Stamp it."
Me: "I literally can not do that."
Woman: (to me) "It's ok! (to boyfriend) I can't take you anywhere! Stop arguing with her! She can't do it. It's ok."

Finally, 4am rolls around and I instantly clock out and am on my way. I get home to discover Joe is up and I bound in to the room and give him a big hug. I told him work was long for a four hour shift and tell him I love him. An hour later I am headed to bed. It took me a while to fall asleep, but I did. I got up to take Joe to work, eat lunch, get a packed dinner from my mom (because she loves me!), and head back home for a nap. Then I went back to work the same day at 5pm. I was still groggy and it had hit me that I was tired. At 11pm, Joe and I met up and left the mall. He made me some food, we took showers, and pretty much played video games until we hit the hay.


Nothing important. Just thought I'd throw that in there so I didn't have to do a mini time skip.


I went to my parents' house to have lunch with them like I always do. They were talking about a movie called "Born Yesterday" with Judy Holliday. After they explained it (it seemed hilarious!), I went only and ordered a pick up from the local Barnes & Noble. I picked up my best friend Jen and went over to the store. She helped me pick out a book for my dad while we were there. I had to resist the urge to buy a Phantom of the Opera book, and a few others while I was there. I did get some good gift ideas, though.

Did you know they have a 50 Shades of Grey cd? Yeah. Mind. Blown. E. L. James apparently listened to music while writing fiction. I would have actually bought it because it had good music (Bach, Mozart, etc), but I can't financially support horrible literature and their authors. I know I'd get some negative comments for this if people actually read my blog, but I think I'm pretty safe. Before any of you 50 Shades fans start spewing arguments, just note that I do not hate the content, but the way it was written. Also, I don't think you ought to pay for adult Twilight fan fiction, or any fan fiction for that matter. I won't get into Twilight here, because I already posted 50 Shades hate. One mention of trash is enough for one post.

After the wonderful trip to one of my favorite and most frequented stores, we went to my place for Thanksgiving round #2. Here I got to help myself to Dee's cooking, which is vastly different from my mother's, but just as good. Jen brought over Honey Apple pie and if I could have eaten it all I would have, but unfortunately, I had to share. Joe came home after work and we all sat down for The Walking Dead (go team Asia!). Joe's best friend came over afterwards with the promise of a slice of Jen's delicious home made pie. We sat down after to have some fun on the Wii U. I took Jen home (and now I'm getting quick with everything because I am tired). Michael and Joe played Pokemon while I played some World of Warcraft. Michael went home and I went to bed.


I woke up and called the doctor because I've been having some problems. They told me everything was normal and just to continue what I was taking. This scared me, because if what I was experiencing was normal, I'd hate to see abnormal. Since I'm also an emotional wreck, I cried for a few minutes, but then got up anyway. I, like almost every day, went over to my parents' house. I ate lunch, watched the end of Legally Blonde, then all of Mean Girls while trying to figure out what's going on with my FAFSA and get some things for school in order. My sister and nephew came over and I got to spend some time with them.

When I got home Joe was actually up. We went out to dinner. It was very nice. We discussed some upcoming events. He's not going to see Les Miserables with me, but he will go to the rest of the installments of The Hunger Games since he already saw the first one. This upsets me, but it's alright. I do have a few people to go with to see Les Mis. I can't wait for it. Really, I can't! Joe and I watched "Clerks" while playing World of Warcraft together and now he's put on "The Terminator" after telling me he was going to put on "A Night at the Roxbury." I got extremely confused when I looked up to see a naked Arnold Schwarzenegger on the screen.

Sorry my post was long and boring! I hope you got to enjoy some of it. Let me know what you think, what you want to see, or questions and I will see to it! Facebook, e-mail, comment, text, call, or send me a letter in the mail. Whatever you seem comfortable with. I will respond, because I love you all (especially those who take the time to read this).


"You'd rather watch Will Ferrell and Chris Kattan's shitty movie?!"

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Reflection For the Holiday

I see a lot of posts on Facebook saying what people are thankful for this holiday. It's the same old thing. Family, friends, health, etc. I just wanted to take the time to write out what I was thankful for as well, but not bother so many people with it. They'd scroll past it anyway. I figured I'd put it on my blog for a couple of reasons: 1. To give the people the choice to read this and 2. To promote my blog! Get some people to stop by and take a look. Hopefully, they'll follow me. Follow me. Follow. Me. DO IT. So without further ado, I bring you my list of what I'm thankful for.

My Family - Really? Was there any other thing or person I'd post first? For my whole life my dad, my mom, and my sister have been there for me. My sister remembers one of the first few weeks I was home we had company over. I was in my crib sleeping like a baby does and people were going upstairs to peek in on me. She was guarding my door telling them they couldn't bother me because I was sleeping. It makes me think that sometimes she did have a heart. I'm only kidding. Despite the fact that we always have our differences and have gotten into physical altercations (yes, girls do that, too, gentlemen), I know that if I ever needed her she would be there for me. I am very proud and fond of her son, my nephew. I can not wait until he's even older so I can corrupt him further and cause havoc for her through him. My parents have always and will always have my back. They have always given me what I needed and have instilled values in me that I don't get to see very often in my generation. The future generations are even worse. I am thankful for them and I cannot imagine being the person I am today if they were not there as much as they were. I only wish to help them as much as I can.

My friends - Some of you would think Joe would come next. To a normal female, a boyfriend would. I am not normal, although I think I should be once I explain. Although most of my friends now I have met through Joe, a few of them I've had since high school or before. I love them very much. At first I was afraid to go over to a public high school (I previously was in a Catholic elementary/middle school). Once I became a freshman, I met a core group of people that I do not or ever will regret spending as many hours with them as I did. I would definitely not be the person that I am today without them and my interests would not have developed like they did. I had bad times with them and later would even remove some of them from my life, but the crazy good times are what I will always take with me and remember. I know that one of them, Jen, will be there for me (and I her) forever (hopefully). She will be the maid of honor at my wedding alongside my sister, and she will be the godmother to my second child. I have stood up for her on many occasions and I consider her my very best friend. I would do anything for her. Her mom, too. She's wonderful! All my other friends are amazing people and I love them to death! I could type forever about them, but I'm afraid I'd bore everyone since not everyone will get what I'm talking about.

Joe - Where to start? I have spent over three years with this guy so far and I loved every minute so far. He's talented, funny, sweet, cute, amazing, and the list can go on forever. Sure, we had our fights. What couple doesn't? Ours have been over silly things such as "You threw out my magic cards!" "I thought they were trash because they were in a bag with empty bottles!" Or "You don't watch the movies I want to!" "Because they're all musicals!"Or "You drank my soda?!" "I was thirsty and it was there." Little things. He has made me laugh, made me cry (I won't let him live the Hunger Games situation down), protected me, fought for me, and even stayed by my side when I was in the hospital. It's hard to imagine my life before I met him. I can, but it's not worth it. I like the idea that he was always there...although now that sounds creepy...and a little bit odd. I love him. I thought I loved other people, but I was wrong. I love everything about him and I love spending as much time with him as I can. I had some trouble with friends over him, but you know what? I didn't need people causing drama with me over a guy. I'm so happy and I know there are many more happy years to come with him.

Joe's Family - I've always heard the horror stories of in-laws. I was relieved that it wasn't that way with Joe's family. Mel and Dee have been very kind to me and we get along. Like all people, we've had our ups and downs, but I know that they are also there for me and always will be. I couldn't ask for more. I enjoy playing video games with Dee, ghost hunting with her and her friends (and our friends as well!), and Mel makes me laugh. All the dogs in the house are amusing, too. I think I would have died if I got the nastiest set of future in-laws. I am so happy and thankful that I don't dread being related to them in the future!

Now that the preliminaries are over here's some secondary things that I am thankful for:

Books, video games, soldiers, freedom, my rights, having a job, going back to school, theatre, music, art, animals, my bed, my favorite blanket, my favorite pillow, Doctor Who, being smart, World of Warcraft, Phantom of the Opera, Wizard of Oz, Sarah Brightman, my favorite (and lucky) shirt, my glasses, alcohol (woo!), food, Mountain Dew Code Red, drive-thrus, cutting dramatic/dumb people out of my life, Dungeons and Dragons, YouTube, Google, Facebook, flip-flops, Atlantic City, girls' nights, being a nerd, the little things in life, tigers (rawr!), my cell phone, writing, pretty much everything. There is always something to be added to what I'm thankful for.

I was going to put in funny descriptions as to why I'm thankful for these things, but it's late. I'm tired. And I have not one, but two shifts on Black Friday. I deal with all kinds of trash. Almost as much as Walmart. I am so looking forward to this (sarcasm!). Luckily, I'll only be working the register from 12am-4am. I don't know what's in store for the 5pm-11pm shift, but I wouldn't mind ringing again. You meet with the attitudes on the sales floor.

Goodnight and please remember to be nice to your retail associates on Black Friday. They don't want to deal with you either. -K.

This multiplied by hundreds is what I have to deal with on Friday, give or take a wig. No lie.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Wow! Hello old friend!

Hello there! It's been a while. Much has gone on since I last posted on my blog. So much for trying to blog at least once a week (or was it once a month?)! Let me catch you up briefly on what happened:

1. Lost my job.
2. Moved.
3. Did lights and sound for a play.
4. Found a new job.
5. Quit.
6. Got a very minor part in a play.
7. Went back to my very first place of employment I ever had.
8. Applied to college with a new major.
9. Got accepted to said college for Writing Arts (goodbye theatre)!
10. Discovered this blog again.

That's it in a nutshell. I am planning to write a few short stories in the near future before working on a novel. If the short stories are well received by friends and family I will edit them to make them into a book, possibly. Depends on time management and interest on my part.

My goals for this blog (and some of you need to help me if you like what I write!):

1. Write once a week, if not everyday.
2. Cater to what my friends might like to see (reviews, stories, poetry, you decide!)
3. Help spread the word of my other writing buddies through here (like Laura, Kat, and Sam).

Please subscribe or check back once a week to see how it's going! Please send me some ideas as well! I'd like to know what you'd want from me. Please spread this out if you think someone might like it, too! I'm going to keep a lot of my personal information off of this for now, so it's ok to have someone I don't know view this.

Much appreciated!

P.S. I try to end with some pictures of something funny or inspiring. So here's your treat:

Books transport me to a place where I can escape from being me for a little while at a time. :)