Sunday, June 2, 2013

Amazing Weekend

Hey there! This is going to be a long one, but a very nice one. I have so much to write about. Atlantic City, movie night with my sister, and my friends' wedding. BUT FIRST! I created a new blog for my book reviews: Check it out because I will be writing about "Emma" by Jane Austen and "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens soon because I finished them! :D Now...onto my weekend:

It started on Thursday. I woke up very early and went to work. I was extremely tired, but we got done quicker than we expected. After our break I didn't really have to work much. I was beginning my new training. I learned that I was going to be the leader of a new team (I only thought I was just to be on that team, not the leader). That was some good news to me! I learned how to prepare a store so that our company could come in and do their job for inventory. It was pretty easy. Then, when there was one section to do, instead of scanning I was told to help pre-count that area so that the man doing it would get done faster. So, it was a very easy day at work! The ride home was the worst.

When I got in the company van I had to sit in between a girl and a boy. I opened my book and proceeded to read. Well, the boy had other plans. He stared over my shoulder and when that didn't work he started to rap in my face. He waved his hands in my face and pulled at my sleeve. I closed my book annoyed. We had an hour and a half (give or take a few) to get home. He proceeded to ask me questions, rap close to my ear, tried to put his headphones in my ear, and then he asked me a REALLY personal question. When he got bored, he started to put stickies in my ear and on my back (with a help from another girl sitting behind me). Now that he had his fun he took a nap. I was so angry that I couldn't and I didn't want to read. WHO THE HELL DOES THAT?! Well, unfortunately I can't stand up for myself. I will. I'm going to work on that. If he ever does that to me again I will tell him that I will report him not only for harassment, but sexual harassment as well. If he continues, I will do it. I'm not playing.

Anyway, I went home and packed. I had a free room in Atlantic City and my boyfriend and I were going down together. We had a nice easy ride down and we got there about seven at night. We checked in and went straight to the boardwalk. There were some really nice shops down there, but mostly there were massage and psychic reading places. We stopped in at the Rainforest Cafe's gift shop and looked around. I had been to AC earlier this month, but there was still no sign of tiger necklaces. They have almost every other animal in a necklace, except a tiger. Joe bought a small plastic red-eyed tree frog. They're his favorite. Afterwards, we continued on the boardwalk.

There was maybe three pizza places and stores with the same tee-shirts. There's not much on that boardwalk. :( Joe and I came across a restaurant called Country Kitchen and with that looking the nicest of all places we went there. The food was excellent and the service matched! Our waiter was so nice and funny. We left him a really good tip because he was the best! Joe and I started back to our hotel to digest. We came across the 3D laser light show.

There was a dog running around and Joe was worried about it the whole time. It had a collar on it, but we didn't know where the owner was or if they were watching the show, too. Other than that the show was interesting. There wasn't much to it, but they had different genres of music from different times. It would have been much better if they had the licenses to the actual songs, but they did what they could.

We stayed in the room for a little bit, drank wine, and watched King of the Hill and American Dad. Then we proceeded to go to the casino. The hotel gave me some money to gamble with after a certain amount of time. By the time I got that we were ready to leave. Joe said he'd gamble one dollar and that was it (he doesn't like gambling at all). I downloaded the free money while he gambled his. I didn't know, but the money that I download stays on that machine. I can only cash out the winnings. So I left early (thinking I cashed out everything), but I realized that I didn't have twenty dollars on my ticket like I should have had. I asked a worker there and when we found the machine my money was on an elderly gentleman was on it gambling...with MY MONEY! The worker asked him politely to move and he did. The worker also cashed out the winnings and gave it to me (because it was rightfully mine).  I had fifteen dollars of the free money left and I had to play them. So I did. Later that elderly gentleman came back and asked if we had seen a ticket on the side because he left it there. I told him I did not and when he left I explained to Joe that he was asking about the ticket the worker gave to me. Joe just laughed, but it was rightfully mine so I was going to keep it. Later during the walk back to the elevators I saw that gentleman walking around looking at different machines. I realized that I had seen him doing the same thing before the incident and put it together that he would just go around looking for credits on machines. I felt sad for him in the end.

Joe and I went home the next day. It was such a nice getaway and I'm glad he came with me (although he doesn't like Atlantic City) and that we both had a nice time. That same night my parents went out (I am now living back with them after some events happened a little bit ago) to a play. My sister came over and we watched Star Trek from 2009. We made popcorn and just had a really nice time! I like watching movies with her. We had our ups and downs through life, but now I enjoy her company. Plus, it was a nice thing to relax and watch a movie after a long week of work and driving to and from Atlantic City.

On Saturday, my friends Chuck and Kathy got married! I don't think I have seen them since my Halloween party (when I was introduced to Kathy). Let me just say they are the happiest, cutest, and sweetest couple I have ever met. Chuck was always a nice guy and he would do anything for his friends. He never said anything negative and when I met Kathy I knew they'd be together forever. She was the same as Chuck in her demeanor. She was very nice, polite, and sweet. I have talked to her via facebook since I met her and I am so happy for the both of them. I don't think anyone needs to wish them happiness in their marriage because it comes naturally to them. All we need to do is wish them enjoyment of the events that unfold in their married life.

Their wedding took place a couple towns over from where I live. There was a waterfall and the reception was in a log cabin looking building. When I saw Chuck to congratulate him, he showed me he was wearing Doctor Who socks. THIS IS WHY WE'RE FRIENDS. I have the best and nerdiest friends EVER! Before the ceremony, though, I found out Matt Smith was leaving the show. Which saddened me and I knew it would sadden Chuck, so I broke the news later to him. Kathy looked absolutely stunning and her dress was beautiful! The ceremony was perfect and very touching. I saw an old co-worker and one of my best friend's brother there and we sat together at the reception along with two other couples.

I must say that the girl that I had met at the table and her husband were so nice! Once we started talking it was like we knew each other for years although I had just met her. Chuck has some pretty awesome friends and I could not have had a better time unless Joe was there (he was working because our invitation got lost in the mail and we didn't know we were invited until a couple weeks ago). Lot of smiles, lots of laughs, and plenty of new memories.

One of the best weekends I have had. And summer is just starting. I can't wait to see what it has in store for me.

So let me ask you, now: Which shore do you like to go to and what's your favorite thing to do there? What does your family like to do together? What do you see your wedding like?

Comment, review, feedback. Please. -K.

This is my dream wedding.

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