Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Day With The Bestie

Today was a very good day. I didn't think I would post another entry today, but it was too nice not to. I had planned a nice day with my best friend Jen, and although we couldn't do everything, it was a very successful day.

First, we headed to a community college because Jen was thinking about going to school again. Since she had never been, we decided we'd take a trip to get all the information we could. I knew the campus because back in early high school I spent two years of my summer life there doing Summerstage/Mainstage (a theatre program kids-young adults). I remember being in Mary Poppins, but I can't remember the other children's show I was in for Summerstage. Then at night (since I was old enough to do Mainstage) I did Footloose and Little Shop of Horrors. Great shows! :) I loved being in them and I loved the people I met there. I just didn't know how to drive there since the last time I was there I wasn't old enough to drive.

We got lost on the way there (as I do for everywhere I go), but it was an adventure! We got there and it was another adventure since the building for the registration had so many hallways and doors. Jen said it seemed like it could be a setting for the Slenderman game. So we looked for papers on our way out.

We went back to her house for a little bit and ate lunch before we went to the movies. We didn't have enough time to go wine tasting and honestly I didn't have enough gas in my car to do that anyway. In that time she got me hooked on Kitchen Nightmares (with chef Gordon Ramsey) just by showing me one episode. Any fan of that show will know which one: Amy's Baking Company. Hooooooolyyyyyy shhhhhhhoes! That lady is crazy! After that we spent time researching the drama that happened after the show and the reviewer (or "hater") that started the "problem." It was much entertaining and I will be showing my mom that episode on Friday.

We started on our way to the movies to see Star Trek Into Darkness. AMAZING MOVIE. Noel Clark made an appearance that I was unaware of until yesterday. He played Rose's boyfriend Mickey in Doctor Who. And of course! The talented Benedict Cumberbatch was Khan. Now, for those of you who don't know, Mr. Cumberbatch is Sherlock in BBC's Sherlock. If you haven't seen it stop reading this blog instantly and watch it on Netflix! His voice will draw you in. I am planning on seeing it a second time. I won't write about the content of the movie just because I don't want to give anything away. It is a must see movie!

Now, I have to be at work at 3:45am. So it is time for me to say goodnight. Before I go, though, a few questions to reflect on: What is the movie you want to see this summer? What do you and your friends like to do on your days off? What TV show is your guilty pleasure and why?

Live long and prosper. -K
The last one gets me everytime.

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