Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Seasons Greetings!

Hello all! I don't have much to talk about, really. I know that Christmas Eve and Christmas just passed, but I think it's a little vain to blog about all the presents I just got even though I have done so on Facebook. Also, there's not much more to say than I  spent the most wonderful past three days with friends and family and could not have asked for anything more than that. Tomorrow I go see "The Hobbit" again with my immediate family and then have a family Christmas get together at my aunt's house.

I am writing a blog today, though. It will be short, I promise. My friend Laura and I have talked the past week and she decided that she wanted to start a group called "Books Not Bullets." I told her I would promote that and she made me an admin on the page. What we want to do with it is promote education and reading to hopefully stop bullying, violence, and to help recognize signs of mental health problems. This is what we hope to accomplish in the future. We feel that if you "Stop, Drop, and Read" when you're feeling angry or upset will help with verbal communication instead of physical confrontation. Resulting in the decrease of violence within schools. Also, this will help educate kids so that's a bonus.

We have talked about doing many things in the future like a book drive, donations, etc. Hopefully with your help and support we can accomplish so many things that will help troubled kids. All you need to do right now is log into your Facebook and like the page "Books Not Bullets." Showing your support will mean so much to us right now and in the future.

Here's the link if you need it: https://www.facebook.com/BooksNotBullets

Thank you. Happy holidays. -K.

All you need is love and a good book. 

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