Thursday, October 20, 2011

Curtains up!

Well hello there! I found out that not only does Tiff and Elana have a blog, but now so does Michael and Joe. So I figured, why not start one myself? It'll be a boring blog. I'll probably post here and there and everywhere. It'll mainly be about my days, I guess, but I'm also looking to post up poetry and short stories (I'm working on one at work). Maybe some funny stuff like pictures and quotes. Probably not a blog you'll be rushing home everyday to read, but I won't take offense.

The Masquerade Queen title refers to the many different masks we wear in society. Being the big Phantom of the Opera phan that I am, it also refers to that. "Hide Your Face So The World Will Never Find You." Theatre is my life. I love it. It's a chance to lose yourself and hide from reality. Become someone else, if you will. Which leads me to I like to rp. Yeah I know. "Geek! Nerd! You cyber?!" No, no, no. It's not like that. There is no gratification in text, I believe, so I do it for the creativity. I have strict rules that I abide by when it comes to roleplaying online, thank you very much.

I am looking to go back to dancing at a local studio. That's another form of masking myself. Losing my self in music and body expression. It's also a good workout. Three times a week? Yes, please! I'm very excited about this.

Oh! And yesterday I got to make fairy wings with my best friends, Tiff and Jen. They're going to be used for the Rennaisance Faire! Woo hoo! They're coming along nicely and yesterday was the perfect day for that! We stayed inside because it rained (we were planning on making them outside) and we had a cup of tea while doing so. Tiff's mom also made a great dinner! And with random bursts of 90's music and dancing, the night was complete. All in all, I will claim that to be the greatest day of the week. All I need to do now is shower, work, pick up the wings so I can finish decorating them in time, and hang out with Jen during our Thursday night ritual. Ordering food and watching tv. :D And now I leave you with the greatest picture (and silliest part) from Footloose:


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